Our Top 5 Picks for This Holiday’s Sexiest Red Lipstick from MAC

December 16, 2014

I am a true believer that anyone can wear red lipstick, they key is just finding the right one that matches your skin tone. Also you don’t always have to use liner with bright lipstick, sometimes I prefer to “stain” the inside part of the lips instead of lining them perfectly. It really depends on the look you are going for. Feel free to experiment. Just because you don’t like one shade of red doesn’t mean that others won’t look good on you. In order to avoid looking like a hooker try to go lighter on the eyeshadow and choose more neutral colors. If you are gonna go out and buy a new shade this holiday here is coupon code for your holiday savings.


1. Morange – orange red brightBlanc_Bridal_Salon_Cabo+MAC_lipstick_favs

2. Landy Danger – blue based bright

3. Dubonet- deep purple-based dark

4. Russian Red – classic blue-based bright

5. Chili – darker orange-based red

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