How to Save dry Mascara

March 31, 2014

The reason mascara dries out is because air gets inside the tube. I have a few mascara’s that this happens to very quickly because the wand tip is so large that when I put it into the tube it pushes a large amount of air into it.

However the #1 rule to keeping your mascara like new is to not pump it! That pushes air into and dries your mascara out VERY quickly!

And finally before I get to the tutorial, if your mascara is too old it’s not worth saving! Mascara’s P.O.A. date is 6 months. So if it’s older than that it’s not worth risking getting bacteria in your eyes just to make your mascara last longer, get a new tube! It gives you the opportunity to try new kinds, which is always fun!

Mascara collage


Things You Need:

Mascara Dry 1


  • Dry / Clumpy Mascara
  • Mug (Or microwave proof cup)
  • Water
  • Contact Solution (Or Olive Oil if you do not have contact solution)


  • Put 2-3 drops of Contact Solution in the mascara tube.

Mascara Contact Solution

  • Close lid tightly and shake it up.
  • Test mascara. (Or go straight to next step)
  • If your mascara still needs more help fill your mug with water and and put in microwave for about 3 minutes.
  • Places tightly closed mascara into mug and let sit for 5 minutes.
  • Viola just like new mascara!

Mascara Before After collage





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