Start the New Year off with a Detox plan!

If you struggle with acne, low energy, or are just looking for a way to undo all your bad habits over the holiday season –Read This!! After an extremely rich and indulgent holiday season, it’s time for quick 8-day New Years detox. For me it’s a great time to practice some much-needed discipline & start […]

7 Top Ingredients that Cause Acne

For those of you that have known me for a long time you’ll know that I used to struggle with acne for many years. I would say from the age of 20 to about the age of 32. I honestly thought that it would never go away. My acne was the worst during the time […]
Blanc Bridal Salon

How to Find the Right Shade of Hair Extensions?

How Can You Find the Perfect Hairstyle to Complement Your...

How Hair Extensions Can Transform Your Confidence on Your Big...

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