Upon returning from my summer vacation I quickly realize that the summer solstice has passed and fall is already upon us. Long gone are the memories of summer and basking in the sun on the topless beaches in Spain. It’s time to hit reset! Using the momentum from your summer fun to inspire a fresh start to this new season!!
The Importance of Self-care
Self-care is more to me than just bubble baths & face masks. It means taking care of your mind, body, and soul. Finding balance in the way we live our lives. The switch from summer to fall has always meant detoxing my body from a summer of over-indulgence, and getting back to the grind with a refreshed & inspired mind and spirit. Whether you’ve aligned your shift with September’s new moon, or the post-Labor Day calendar flip, you’ll need a mental reset to be your most productive self.
The key is finding an energy reset that is right for you!
Though the sun may still feel warm, we can feel it in our bones that the seasons are shifting. The changing trees and crisp, dewy mornings signal a movement inwards – allowing us to refocus, reevaluate and reestablish our goals. Caring for yourself is so important during times of transition. Giving permission to rest & exercise goes a long way to increase self-love, replenish your spirits & honor your body. With that said, what does your body need in order to feel mentally prepared and function at your highest potential?
It’s different for everyone, so here are a few things that work for me:
- Work out and eat healthy – Get back into your workout routine & start putting healthy food into your body again. Nothing feels right if you don’t have a healthy body and work out regimen.
- Get rid of junk and things that are taking up space. Purging old things makes space for new opportunites and clears more energetical space in your mind. Get rid of the clutter and see how new opportunites come your way.
- Set intentions on each new moon or full moon – Whether you’re making a list of your intentions or sorting out your feelings about a confusing situation, writing is always important to make your thoughts come into action. On each new moon and full moon I try to do a simple ceremony to ground my inner wisdom and guide it into existence. The idea is to make space for realigning your ideas, words, and actions, and to manifest your goals. You can create a physical sacred space by laying down a blanket in your favorite spot, then lighting a candle. Next I clear the space by smudging with sage, palo santo or copal resin. Gather items that symbolize your intentions or have special meaning. My go-to’s are: photos of loved ones, quartz crystals or other stones, and a Tibetan singing bowl. I begin by meditating on my intentions, breathing and envisioning my life with them already in place. Energy is focused on loved ones that I know need my attention. When I am ready I take three deep breaths to honor the past, present, and future and end my meditation with love & gratitude.
- Give yourself a much needed spa day– You don’t have to spend a bunch of money to spoil yourself. Drawl a hot bath, add epsom salt, your favorite essential oils and hit play on a relaxing playlist. Put a hydrating mask in your hair and steam your face while focusing on your breath. Breathe in inspiration and positiveness- breath out fear and negative thoughts. Focus on slowing your breath, I like to do this practice where I slow my breathing so much that I can hear my heartbeat in my head. (Not sure if its totally healthy, but it feels really good). Try experimenting with your breathing. Breath into your lungs, exhale, then thru your stomach. Once your head is clear you’ll be ready to take on the world!
- The Express Reset– If you don’t have time for a full soak in the tub or meditation learn to take enjoyment and have gratitude from the simpler things in life. If you are practiced in resetting your mind you don’t need a lot of time, just the mental strength to do a conscious reset. Slow time down by taking enjoyment from the little things in life, such as making tea or your favorite latte. Sit without anything else distracting you. Close your eyes and focus on each sip you take how good it tastes or just feeling your body and how good it feels to be healthy and alive. Notice the way things can shift when we consciously choose to focus on our goals instead of getting caught up in the chatter of our minds. If there is something bothering you – let that shit go!! Learn to create more space in your mind by getting rid of any negative thoughts, fears and emotions. Remember – When you can control your thoughts you can control your reality.
Manifestation and meditation is crucial to creating a life with intention. I’ve been manifesting my life since I was 18 – unintentionally at times. It’s important to be careful what you envision, be sure to dream with care. Your mind is a powerful tool. Don’t allow it to get carried away with negative thoughts. Utilizing these tools to reset your mind will help you be in control of your life. So whether your planning your dream wedding or going into another season at your same job it’s the perfect time to refocus and energize your body. You’ll be surprised at how fast things start to happen when you manifest!!
Love & Light,
Neysa Q.