Half-up / Half-down Bridal Hairstyle

August 29, 2016

Brenda & Richmond’s wedding

From the beginning I fell in love with Brenda and Craig. They were such an awesome couple and their story of how they reconnected after so many years was awesome. If I remember correctly, Craig was friends with her brother growing up and they reconnected after Brenda’s divorce. It was really cool to see their friends and family who have known each other for years be reunited to celebrate their new connection after all these years. For her bridal hairstyle we did a half up, half down hairstyle with volume thru the crown and loose waves. We used extensions to achieve the length and volume that she desired. Congratulations guys!!

Brenda and Craig_Los Cabos Wedding_Destination Wedding_Blanc Bridal Salon by Neysa Quintana_Sara Richardson Photography


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Brenda and Craig_Los Cabos Wedding_Destination Wedding_Blanc Bridal Salon by Neysa Quintana_Sara Richardson Photography_5

Hair & Make-up: Neysa Quintana – Blanc Bridal Salon Los Cabos

Photography: Sara Richardson

Wedding Coordinator: Paula Marquez at Casa Dorada


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